Sanfe, a startup incubated at IIT Delhi, launched Sanfe Period Pain Relief Roll On for menstrual comfort in women. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Archit Aggarwal and Harry Sehrawat, Co-founders of Sanfe, launched Roll On on 8th March 2019 to relieve women from period pain and mood swings.
However, Archit Agarwal, Co-founder of Sanfe, had miscommunicated the information regarding FDA approval and has tried to rectify the issue by publishing a corrigendum the minute they realised the mistake on their part.
“With 50% of the population experiencing pain and cramps during the menstrual cycle, it is extremely crucial that we pay heed to such necessities”, says their professor Srinivasan Venkataraman.
The media played a significant role in getting coverage and limelight for the product and under their #StandUpForYourself movement, women not only posted pictures but videos conveying the issue of period problems and shared their stories, and were gifted free sanfe period pain relief product.
Sanfe Period Pain Relief Roll On is a natural product containing all the essential oils that target the source of pain and reduces menstrual pain in women. Both, Archit and Harry are currently on the verge of empowering women with their social products.